Hold Your Center in the Holiday Swirl

Lights blinking. Voices singing. Bells ringing.

Decorations. Expectations. Celebrations.

Merry to make. Cookies to bake. For heaven’s sake!

I can’t think of a season as full as the holidays – full of sensory stimulation, choices, and when we lose our center- full of stress!

The holidays can also be full of wonder and magic! But when we spin off of our center, we stress out and miss out. How can we stress less and center more during the holiday dance?

We have the choice to not only prepare the gifts, the decorations, and the treats, we can prepare ourselves by practicing centering to break the stress cycle.

It takes time, focus and commitment to start a centering practice – to learn steps to a new dance, so be easy on yourself. Here’s how you begin. Tune in to your soul’s desires.

I use mottos to remember what I really want and to keep me steady. These are some of my favorites.

Keep it simple. I have one container of Christmas decorations, each one unique and handmade from natural materials and a consistent color pallet. I find beauty in minimalism, where I can see and admire each object without getting overwhelmed by the process of decorating. Keeping it simple in my environment reduces visual input, soothes my soul, and keeps me centered.

Be mindful. With so many places to be, things to do, and people to meet, it is easy to get pulled out, minding every thing but ourselves. When that happens, I am off my game, beside myself, not centered. Being mindful involves checking in with myself – my thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. Breathing deeply and smoothly. Focusing on myself instead of trying to change others or circumstances is centering.

Accept mistakes and imperfections. Practice is imperfect. We can expect mistakes and when they happen, accept them. Young children are always practicing – spills, tumbles and messes are common. My favorite expression after an accident or regretful words spoken, is “oopsie”, said while cleaning up the mess. It lightens the moment and makes everyone feel better The little ones imitate the expression to the delight of all. Accepting mistakes keeps me centered instead of veering into stress. The “perfect” holiday season is the one we are having.

Create magic. My husband grew up in southern Germany with a family tradition of burning candles on the Christmas tree. We too, gather around the tree, light the candles and sing carols. It is total magic. So looking forward to sharing it with the grandsons this year, each child held securely in a lap. Magic centers us in the present – a direct experience of the moment. There are no regrets or projections in the present.

Love freely. This is easy in the presence of the little ones , who draw out of us unconditional love, but there is a child in each of us. Our inner child often makes an appearance during the holidays. Remember you and everyone you encounter has an inner child and give love freely. The more we give, the more our heart forces grow in the capacity to love. It is a renewable resource, so you will never run out! The more you give, the more you have to give! When centered in love, there is no stress.

One of our traditions is to make holiday cookies, using the old family recipes. When the children were young, we would drive around town to deliver them to friends on Christmas Eve. One year, we saw an acquaintance and jumped out of the car to give him a bag of cookies and some cheer. Later, we learned that he was in the midst of a divorce and having his first alone and very lonely Christmas. The cookies made him feel loved!. After a cookie run, I always feel my heart is so full!

Yes, you know the wonder is there, but so is stress. We do not experience wonder if we are stressed. So prepare. Get ready. Hold onto your center.

If the mottos ring true for you, print out the list and keep it nearby. Or make your own list. If you lose your balance, STOP! Check your list.

Find your rhythm. Wiggle your toes. And start the dance over again.

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