Joys and Sorrows

During holiday season 2020, I have been on the look-out for things that spark joy in everyday life and have recorded those snapshots in a Joy Journal on Instagram. When I wake up in the morning, I look forward to the joys I will experience. In the evening, I savor them along with a cup of tea.

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2020 Holidays: Remembering what is Good

When the covid-19 spike happened in our community, we came to understand what that means for our holiday plans.

It dawned on us that this will be a different year; one when we prioritize our personal as well as public health. We shifted our emphasis from a more traditional experience to a scaled back one, keeping our eye on the goal, the reason for the season.

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Stoking the Inner Light

During autumn, the light outside is dwindling. Slowly but surely, the days are getting shorter. We notice how early the sun sets in the evening. There is no time after dinner to go for a walk in the light, so we walk before eating .

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The Consciousness of Now

I love spending time with my twenty-one-month-old grandson. It is so fascinating to watch him learn and grow. It is also amazing to experience what happens when we meet in the consciousness of now. When we are cooking, eating, washing dishes, cleaning, changing diapers, gardening, or going for a walk, that is just what we are doing. Nothing more and nothing less.

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The End of an Era

Living life on life’s terms. I can wrap my head around that, but my emotions process at a slower pace. Right now, life’s terms mean a pandemic, a divided country, and a closed border. On one side of the border is our permanent residence in the USA and on the other side is our seasonal cottage in Canada.

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Just Call me Grandma

I picture my grandmother in an everyday dress sitting with her legs crossed at the ankle, leaning forward in her chair, telling a story. Clasping her hands together for emphasis, she would use the word grand – synonymous with splendid

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You and I are We

I’ve been thinking about an important little word, the conjunction “and”. What would we do without this little bridge-builder that brings together pairs like life and death, inside and outside, crisis and opportunity? When we put these words together, each

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