Spring Equinox and Dynamic Balance

At the winter solstice, we open to the divine light and the season of going inward. With the spring equinox, we venture out again into the world and a celebration of the earth. Human beings live in this realm between heaven and earth, seeking balance between the upward pull of the divine and the grounding forces of the earth.

We are affected by nature. Spring has a quality of exuberance. The earth slept through the winter and is now awakening. Bright little flowers are popping up from what was snow-laden ground just days before. We throw off a layer or two of clothing and celebrate the warmth of the sun.

The equinox is when the number of hours of daylight and nighttime are in balance. In 2019, it occurs on March 20th. After that date, the days will be getting longer, leading us into summer. How does this shift in sunlight affect us? How do we celebrate spring and keep our life in balance at the same time? I find maintaining daily rhythms helps, while adjusting them for the season.

My daily rhythm is to write in the morning, but when the sun is shining, I sit outside to write and longer hours of daylight might include writing in the evening as well. In Spring, I like to move more – to take longer walks and clean my house with renewed vigor. In my yoga practice, I focus on dynamic balancing postures. I eat lighter and reconnect with friends. Looking ahead to summer, I schedule trips and weekend gatherings. There is a desire to complete tasks I have been putting off, cleaning up my files, setting up systems and revising my goals.

To find balance, I consider four areas I am responsible for. This is my personal manifesto:
I tend my physical body and home – they hold space for health.
I tend my rhythms and practices – they provide structure for work and recreation.
I tend my relationships with friends, family and associates, both giving and receiving.
I tend my spirit – it guides me to toward my mission and purpose.

When I tend those four areas consciously, I have access to dynamic balance. It puts me in a flow of energy that serves health and happiness. It is much like steering a boat, to stay on course requires making micro adjustments to avoid obstacles and to ride the waves. The waters may be quiet at times, but they are never completely still.

The energy of spring is powerful like a rushing stream; I remind myself to stay grounded to counter the excitement of the season. If the pendulum swings too far in any direction, it will swing back equally as far in the opposite one. That means too much joy can lead to greater depths of sorrow. Unbridled excitement can lead to worry if too much thinking is not balanced with practical activity. I strive to stay grounded, experiencing the joy and enthusiasm of the season without losing touch with its earthy quality and call to walk outside, to dig in the soil, to clean house, to sit in the sun.

To celebrate the spring equinox and find new balance points in my new home and roles in life, I have committed to thirty days of exploration. I will post what I discover on the Facebook page linked to this website.

I suggest you do your own experiments with staying grounded and uplifted during this transition to spring. Explore the impact of the season on your body, mind and soul. Take note. Adjust your rhythms to experience balance, noticing how it feels. Allow yourself to flow with the energy of the season but not get carried swiftly downstream. Steer your boat to where you want to go!

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