Words for Teachers & Caregivers
in Small Doses

A conscious approach to self-development that’s rhythmic and thought-provoking supports the adult in forming healthy habits, in becoming someone we want our children to imitate. The brief readings can provide an anchor for the week, a ballast in a storm or a smooth sail on a calm day. In a world full of distractions, this focus can enlighten our thoughts and renew our spirits.
—Sharifa Oppenheimer, author of Heaven on Earth: A Handbook for Parents of Young Children

Words for Teachers and Caregivers in Small Doses - Books - Judith Frizlen

Adults who work with young children according to Rudolf Steiner, are called to conduct themselves in a way that is worthy of imitation. Children take in the essence of the adult in a deep way, that essence then becomes a part of the child. What are our children taking in while in our presence? This is a powerful call to engage in self-development, the rewards of which benefit both the adult and child.

The weekly readings in Words for Teachers and Caregivers in Small Doses provide information about developing a way of being that feeds children. An example of a question to ponder is: “What fruits do gratitude bear?” While encouraging self-examination and finding one’s own answers, Frizlen suggests that gratitude awakens the heart forces, generates positivity and joy, and gives us the gifts of contentment, peace, and hopefulness.

“The more we practice bringing joy and love to our actions, encounters, and inward sentiments, the more we will be able to access it. Even if our practices are not conscious, we do have habits of how we do things. For example, negativity is a habit that is strengthened through practice. Take a look at the things you do and the practice of how you do them; notice what they bring to you in your life.”

On Words for Teachers & Caregivers in Small Doses

“Many thanks to Judith Frizlen for creating Words for Teachers and Caregivers in Small Doses . . . a book that is both spiritually evocative and super accessible.” – Shanah Ahmadi, Director of Rose Rock School and LifeWays Center

“This guidebook through the year Words for Teachers and Caregivers in Small Doses will infuse your life with joy and purpose, transforming the physical work of caring for little ones into soul work for the adult.” – Mary O’Connell, author of Home Away From Home

“With her calm, rhythmic cadences in Words for Teachers and Caregivers in Small Doses, Judith Frizlen offers us, in our rushed and stressful culture, an antidote.” – Sharifa Oppenheimer, author of Heaven on Earth: A Handbook for Parents of Young Children

Other titles by Judith Frizlen

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