Words for Parents
in Small Doses

Purchasing the book is like purchasing fertilizer for your seeds—it will help and the growth of you and your child to a greater consciousness.
—Katherine McSpedon, ArtVoice

Words for Parents in Small Doses - Books - Judith Frizlen

Words for Parents in Small Doses shares Frizlen’s wisdom through weekly readings that provide discussions, questions and thought-provoking messages that suggest healthy practices she has found successful. Instead of guidelines and rules you find in most parenting books, Frizlen offers a meditative read with a rhythmic approach to create a greater connection between the parent’s mind and their young child’s developing mind. The book is an easy-read, categorized by season and certain moods associated with as season, e.g. winter focuses on reflection.

Words for Parents in Small Doses will benefit any parent and the questions and themes it raises are practical to many different lifestyles and family types. An example of a question posed: “Consider whether you are asking your child to make choices that would be better made by an adult.” This leads the adult to consider their responsibility in child guidance.

“Living, working, and playing in society involve on-going lessons about how to be with others; we don’t expect our little ones to have mastered them. At the Rose Garden Early Childhood Center, if you are an adult who witnesses socially unacceptable or harmful behavior, you are encouraged to tell a child that it is not okay to hurt anyone. It’s important for children to sense that all the adults are looking out for them. That alone can deter inappropriate behavior.”

On Words for Parents in Small Doses

“Purchasing Words for Parents in Small Doses is like purchasing fertilizer for your seeds – it will help aid the growth of you and your child to a greater consciousness.” – Katherine McSpedon, ArtVoice

Words for Parents in Small Doses is a real gift for anyone sharing their lives with young children.” – Rahima Baldwin Dancy, author of You Are Your Child’s First Teacher

“Judy shares her artistry in Words for Parents in Small Doses with these words of inspiration that nudge us toward a contemplative approach to our daily lives.” – Cynthia Aldinger, LifeWays Founder

Other titles by Judith Frizlen

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